Moving on to Kortrijk- along the Upper Scheldt and Kanaal Bossuit-Kortrijk

10 – 12 July 2019 I am going to try to bring brevity into this edition. It is after all only 3 days long. At 7.40am we turned into the Upper Scheldt, known as the Haut Escaut at its other end in France. We had been surprised at 6.30am to find we were going downContinue reading “Moving on to Kortrijk- along the Upper Scheldt and Kanaal Bossuit-Kortrijk”

A river and three canals in a week!

Well not exactly complete rivers or canals, but we did steam along 53 kms of the Base Sambre river, 20kms of the Canal Charleroi à Brussels, and 24 kms of the Canal de Centre and 40kms of the Canal Nimy-Blaton-Péronnes And that included an unplanned en panne two night stop, but more of that later.Continue reading “A river and three canals in a week!”

The river Meuse – La France a Belgique

Initially it didn’t seem so different, the change from the Canal de La Meuse to the actual river, probably because a lot of the canal section is actually on the river itself. However as we progressed the geography changed hugely and spectacularly, as you will see. We left Stenay after my early morning mammoth cycleContinue reading “The river Meuse – La France a Belgique”