Getting Industrious on Canal du Nord

The Canal du Nord, and on down L’Oise to Compiègne I’ve been working on my WordPress ability (a little) and now know how to get French accents into the main text – but not the photo captions – so apologies to all French readers) Having joined the Canal du Nord, and its potential challenges weContinue reading “Getting Industrious on Canal du Nord”

Gates, houses and barns of Conde-sur-Marne

The scent of grape harvests past seemed to seep from the stones as I walked the back lanes of Condé-sur-Marne. It stands at the confluence of two canals; the Canal de l’Aisne à la Marne and the Canal lateral à la Marne, within the famed Champagne region of France.   Round almost every bend IContinue reading “Gates, houses and barns of Conde-sur-Marne”

Saying good bye to La Somme – Amiens to Peronne

Written in haste while we had the wee-fee (wi-fi) to upload it all)   I have mentioned that Amiens was a curate’s egg. The good parts were the architecture, the parks;   les Hortinollages and their passerales; (I’ve got another 30 photos of these if anyone is interested . . ) the Cathedral; (absolutely HUGE, twice the sizeContinue reading “Saying good bye to La Somme – Amiens to Peronne”